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A collection of useful books on the topics we cover at Community Acupuncture


For nutritional information we recommend books by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Dr. Fuhrman is one of the most respected MD’s in nutritional medicine.  Any of his books are worth a read if you want to recover your health or prevent disease.

eat to live.PNG

All the fundamental 
information you need to know about diet and nutrition is in here. If you get only one book of Dr. Fuhrman’s,
this is it.

Eat for health.PNG

This is a 2 volume set that expands
on “Eat to Live”.  It has healthy and yummy recipes.

End of Diabetes.PNG

This is a must for anyone with diabetes or 
pre-diabetes.  The information in this book 
has helped people reverse their diabetes 
and reduce or eliminate 

Disease Proof you child.PNG

How to raise healthy kids using nutrition. Very helpful for health conscious parents.

Super Immunity.PNG

Our food heavily influences  how our body fights disease.  This book is about building your immune system and creating long lasting health.  

Chinese Medicine

QiGong for Beginners.PNG
QiGong for Cleansing.PNG
Heal Yourself.PNG
Chi Running.PNG
Healing Promise.PNG

Great DVD to get started with Qi 
Gong.  It can be a little long, but is an excellent, healing program.

Another well produced DVD on Qigong.  It has a shorter routine than the “Qigong Beginning Practice”, but a little 
more complex.

A general resource for clients explaining 
Chinese Medical principles, and how they 
can help you live a healthier life.  

Chinese Medicine

QiGong for Beginners.PNG
QiGong for Cleansing.PNG
Heal Yourself.PNG
Chi Running.PNG
Healing Promise.PNG

Great DVD to get started with Qi 
Gong.  It can be a little long, but is an excellent, healing program.

Another well produced DVD on Qigong.  It has a shorter routine than the “Qigong Beginning Practice”, but a little 
more complex.

A general resource for clients explaining 
Chinese Medical principles, and how they 
can help you live a healthier life.  

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